What this is all about:
Our instructors are the real deal. They actively work in the field, have done tons of cool stuff, and know how to show up as their whole selves.
They want to elevate the creative community and are good at explaining, listening, and exploring what it means to be human.
Our instructors are lit up by what they do and all that they've accomplished and are excited to help others trailblaze.
Stoked you're interested in teaching!
So you're interested in teaching?
As an instructor, you’ll be engaging with creatives who are looking to expand and elevate.
This is an honor that we take quite seriously.
We believe in transparency and clean transactions, so here's the deal:
1. You Choose Your Topic & Teaching Time.
You've got options. You can fly solo, or if you want to co-teach with a professional creative (if you're a mental health professional) or vice versa, we can likely pair you up with someone to co-create something awesome.
2. You name the price of your own course.
We are happy to provide recommendations if you need them. We currently cap each class size at 100 people enrolled.
3. The Creative Couch team works with you to ensure your curriculum will be amazing for our community. Don't worry- you keep all your IP and we just make sure it fits our community culture (real people, no need to get too clinical).
4. Creative Couch provides the teaching platform, community, and marketing assets. You are encouraged to market your own course, and Creative Couch also advertises your course for you on the CC platforms.
5. You keep 70% of what your course brings in, paid monthly.
One for the creative professionals and one for the "couch" professionals.
Please apply accordingly:
Currently, these are LIVE, baby!
A big part of the reason why is because we want creatives to actually get in the room (Zoom room) with people they don't often have access to. (Olympians, therapists, CEO's, and filmmakers of all walks of life, for example.) We're putting people in the room together and making this interactive and real-time. Connection and community matter.
We do have plans to also record and create a library of courses to give even more people access to the information.
Great question! (And the most common one.) Our answer is "whatever is best for your topic."
This could be anything from a 1-hour workshop to an 8-week experience. Or a monthly half-day workshop. You dream it, we'll support it.
YES. That is the whole point of this platform. You can be the best designer or therapist in the world, but if you can't explain your process to a group of curious-minded creatives, that's not gonna work. For this reason, you must submit a video of yourself teaching with your application.
You know we can! Happy to brainstorm, matchmake, and set up intros to ensure our workshops are a fascinating, applicable, high-quality experience for anyone taking them.
We ask that everyone completes the course they commit to teach. Life happens, and if you are unable to complete your registered course, we can work with you to come up with solutions.
The content belongs to you. You can go teach it elsewhere or whatever you want to do.
If we do work out an agreement ahead of time where IF we both agree that your content is recorded, we retain rights to keep selling your course, and you get residuals on that as it is purchased.
It's under the Creative Couch ZOOM, and we make you the host when you join the call.
HECK YES YOU CAN! We want this to light you up and work with your schedule.
Yes, we are happy to do light reviews! We want your course to be awesome, too.