= the word combo dreams are made of.


1. Humans are human, even at work.

2. Being a human is inherently messy.

3. Growth is inevitable and important.

4. Everyone is creative.

5. We are better together.

6. If more people have access to conversations with mental health professionals and creative mentors, the world would be far brighter, inspiring, and connected.


Humans spend 50% of our awake lives at work. We're on a mission to make your existence as a creative professional the absolute best it can be. Well, because the world needs more of that.


A business psychologist and a creative agency owner teamed up to help humans have a better time at work. Turns out they had a lot more in common with each other than their mutual love of backcountry skiing and Golden Retrievers.

Greer and Lisa first met through leadership training. To Greer, Lisa was a talented and successful creative agency owner who was interested in having her teams more aligned. To Lisa, Greer was a breath of fresh air in a seemingly stuffy world of Corporate Leadership Coaches who kept it real and made real change happen for her agency.

They formed a trusting working relationship which morphed into a solid friendship. And thus Creative Couch was born.

So why the name Creative Couch? Lisa's employees would come into her office on a regular basis, flop onto the couch and share challenges to access breakthroughs. She started calling it her Creative Couch. Pretty cute huh?


Greer and Lisa are all in.

Our hope is that Creative Couch allows you to level up as a human being with an expanded aperture of yourself and your craft.

You are going to learn a ton about who you are and gain some invaluable technical skills. This experience will demand vulnerability and create exposure, both of which are prerequisites to you accessing your most elevated expression as a creative professional.

Sharing your lens of the world is the most generous thing you can do, and we’re here to bring that out in each of you. Oh, and you’ll meet some kickass people along the way.


We hold 1 seat open in every single class for a free scholarship.

It's important to share this knowledge and education with communities and people who are wildly creative and don't have easy access to mental health professionals + creative professionals.

We don't even make it hard to apply- just fill this out.